What is a Strong Grip in Golf?

What is a Strong Grip in Golf?

If you’re reading this, you’re probably already familiar with the game of golf and the various techniques and strategies that go into a successful round. But have you ever heard of a “strong grip”? A strong grip in golf refers to the way a golfer holds the club, specifically with the hands rotated further around the handle of the club.

This can have a significant impact on a golfer’s swing and shot-making ability, and it’s an important concept to understand for any golfer looking to improve their game.

So let’s dive into the details of a strong grip and how it can enhance your golf game. We’ll explore what a strong grip in golf is, the advantages and challenges of using a strong grip, and strategies for effectively implementing a strong grip to improve your golf game.

Are you ready to learn more about a strong grip in golf? Let’s get started!

What is a Strong Grip in Golf?

A strong grip in golf refers to the way a golfer holds the club, specifically with the hands rotated further around the handle of the club. This means that the palms of the hands are facing each other more, or even towards the ground in extreme cases. A strong grip can also be characterized by a V formed by the thumb and forefinger on the top hand pointing towards the right shoulder (for a right-handed golfer).

To achieve a strong grip, a golfer will typically place their hands on the club in such a way that the V formed by the thumb and forefinger is pointing towards the right shoulder.

This can be achieved by rotating the hands around the club handle and positioning the palms of the hands closer together.

It’s important to note that a strong grip is not the same as an overgrip, which refers to gripping the club too tightly and can lead to tension and a loss of control.

A strong grip can be used with any type of club, but it is most commonly used with longer clubs like the driver and fairway woods. These clubs require more power and distance, and a strong grip can help a golfer generate more force and speed in their swing.

It’s also worth noting that a strong grip can be used in combination with other techniques and strategies, like an open clubface or an outside-in swing path, to shape shots and hit draws or fades.

Overall, a strong grip is a useful tool for golfers looking to add power and distance to their shots, and it can also be helpful for shaping shots and hitting draws or fades.

However, as we’ll discuss in the next section, it’s important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and make adjustments accordingly.

Benefits of a Strong Grip

A strong grip in golf can offer a number of benefits to a golfer’s game. One of the main benefits is the ability to generate more power and distance on shots.

With a strong grip, a golfer can generate more force and speed in their swing, leading to longer shots and potentially lower scores.

A strong grip can also improve a golfer’s accuracy and shot shaping ability. By rotating the hands around the club handle, a golfer can open or close the clubface more easily, allowing for more control over the direction and shape of their shots.

For example, a strong grip can help a golfer hit a draw (a ball flight that starts to the left of the target and curves back towards the target) or a fade (a ball flight that starts to the right of the target and curves back towards the target).

In addition to the practical benefits of a strong grip, it can also be a helpful visual cue for a golfer to maintain a consistent hand position and swing.

By focusing on the V formed by the thumb and forefinger, a golfer can ensure that their hands are properly positioned on the club and that their swing is on track.

Overall, a strong grip can be a valuable tool for golfers looking to add power and distance to their shots, improve their accuracy and shot shaping ability, and maintain a consistent swing. However, as we’ll discuss in the next section, it’s important to be aware of the potential drawbacks and make adjustments accordingly.

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Drawbacks of a Strong Grip in Golf

While a strong grip can offer a number of benefits to a golfer’s game, it’s important to be aware of the potential drawbacks as well. One potential drawback of a strong grip in golf is that it can lead to a more closed clubface at impact, resulting in a shot that slices (starts to the right of the target and curves left).

This can be particularly frustrating for golfers who are trying to hit a straight shot or a fade (a ball flight that starts to the right of the target and curves back towards the target).

A strong grip can also lead to a loss of control and accuracy, as the clubface may be more closed at impact and the shot may not go where the golfer intends. This can be especially problematic for golfers who are already struggling with their accuracy or who are trying to hit specific shots with a certain shape or trajectory.

It’s important for golfers to be aware of these potential drawbacks and make adjustments accordingly. For example, a golfer with a strong grip may need to aim further to the right to compensate for the tendency to slice the ball. They may also need to focus on swinging more from the inside and using a more neutral clubface at impact to reduce the slice.

By being aware of these potential challenges and making adjustments, a golfer can still effectively use a strong grip to their advantage.

How to Use a Strong Grip Effectively

If you’ve decided that a strong grip is the right fit for your golf game, there are a few key things to keep in mind to ensure that you are using it effectively.

One key is to be aware of the potential drawbacks of a strong grip and make adjustments accordingly.

For example, if you tend to slice the ball with a strong grip, you may need to aim further to the right to compensate. You may also need to focus on swinging more from the inside and using a more neutral clubface at impact to reduce the slice.

Another important factor is to pay attention to your setup and posture. A proper setup and posture can help you maintain control and accuracy, even with a strong grip.

This includes aligning your body and clubface correctly with the target, as well as keeping your arms and hands relaxed and in a good position.

It’s also helpful to experiment with different clubs and shaft flexes. Different clubs and shafts can have different impacts on your shot shape and trajectory, so it’s important to find the right combination that works for your game.

A golf pro or club fitter can be a helpful resource in this process.

Overall, the key to effectively using a strong grip in golf is to be aware of the potential drawbacks and make adjustments accordingly, pay attention to your setup and posture, and experiment with different clubs and shaft flexes.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively use a strong grip to improve your golf game.

Is a Strong Grip Right for Every Golfer?

While a strong grip can be an effective tool for some golfers, it’s important to keep in mind that it may not be the best fit for everyone. Every golfer is different, and what works for one player may not work for another.

It’s important for golfers to experiment and find the grip that works best for their game and style.

If you’re not sure whether a strong grip is right for you, it can be helpful to try it out and see how it affects your shots. Pay attention to the trajectory and shape of your shots, as well as your accuracy and control.

If you find that a strong grip is helping you hit longer, more accurate shots, it may be a good fit for you. On the other hand, if you’re struggling with accuracy or control, a strong grip may not be the best choice.

Ultimately, the best grip for you will depend on your individual swing and shot-making ability. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you. A strong grip in golf may just be the key to improving your game.


In this article, we’ve explored the concept of a strong grip in golf and how it can impact a golfer’s game. We’ve defined a strong grip as the way a golfer holds the club, with the hands rotated further around the handle of the club, and we’ve discussed the benefits and drawbacks of using a strong grip in golf.

We’ve also covered tips for effectively using a strong grip, including making adjustments to compensate for potential drawbacks, paying attention to setup and posture, and experimenting with different clubs and shaft flexes.

We’ve also emphasized that a strong grip may not be the best fit for every golfer, and it’s important to experiment and find the grip that works best for your game and style.

By understanding the concept of a strong grip in golf and how to use it effectively, you can improve your golf game and take your skills to the next level.

So don’t be afraid to experiment with different grips and see what works best for you – a strong grip may just be the key to improving your golf game.

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