What is a Par in Golf?

Welcome to the world of golf! If you’re reading this, chances are you already have an appreciation for the sport and the many challenges it presents. But what is a par in golf? Par is a term used in golf to describe the predetermined number of strokes that a golfer should reasonably be expected to complete a hole in.

In this article, we’ll delve into the details of par and how it impacts your score. So grab your clubs and let’s get started!

What is a par in golf?

In golf, a “par” is a standard score for a particular hole or course, based on the number of strokes that a skilled golfer would be expected to need in order to complete the hole or round. For example, a par-3 hole is one that is expected to be completed in three strokes by a skilled golfer. A par-4 hole would be expected to take four strokes, and so on. The total par for a course is the sum of the pars for each individual hole.

what is a par

How does par impact your score?

Golfers aim to score as low as possible, and a score that is equal to or below par is considered to be a good score. For example, if a golfer completes a par-3 hole in two strokes, they have scored a “birdie,” which is one stroke below par. If they complete the hole in four strokes, they have scored a “bogey,” which is one stroke above par. A score that is two strokes above par is called a “double bogey,” and so on.

The concept of par is used in golf to provide a standard reference point for comparing scores, and it can help golfers to gauge their progress and improve their game. It is also used in scoring competitions, where players compete to see who can achieve the lowest score relative to par.

Related: What is an Eagle in Golf?

Related: What is a Birdie in Golf?

Tips for scoring par

Here are some tips for scoring a par on a golf hole:

  • Practice your golf swing and develop a consistent, reliable shot. This will help you to get your ball onto the green and into position for a putt.
  • Choose the right club for the shot. Consider the distance to the green, the terrain, and any obstacles that may be in your way.
  • Plan your shot. Look at the green and visualize your shot. Consider the slope and any hazards that may be in your way.
  • Stay calm and focused. Don’t rush your shot, and take your time to line up your shot and make a smooth, controlled swing.
  • Pay attention to your putting. Putting is a crucial part of the game, and a good putt can make all the difference in scoring a par. Take your time to line up your putt and aim for a smooth, consistent stroke.
  • Practice your short game. Shots from around the green, such as chips and pitches, can be the key to scoring a par. Work on your accuracy and control with these shots.
  • Keep track of your score. Knowing where you stand relative to par can help you to adjust your strategy and make the most of your remaining shots.
  • Stay positive and don’t get frustrated. Golf can be a challenging game, and there will be times when you don’t score as well as you’d like. Stay focused and keep working on your game, and you’ll improve over time.


In summary, par is the predetermined number of strokes that a golfer should reasonably be expected to complete a hole in. Scoring par can have a significant impact on a golfer’s overall score for a round of golf.

Now that you know the answer to the question “what is a par in golf?”, how can you make more of them? By working on your overall golf skills and practicing regularly, you can improve your chances of scoring par on the course.

So don’t be afraid to aim for the par – it may just be the stroke that takes you to the top!

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