What is a Bogey in Golf?

Hey there golf enthusiasts! If you’re reading this, you probably already know that golf can be a challenging and rewarding sport. But what is a bogey in golf, and why is it important to understand?

What is a Bogey in Golf?

First, let’s define a bogey in golf. Simply put, a bogey is one stroke over par on a given hole. For example, if a hole has a par of 4 and a golfer takes 5 strokes to complete it, they have scored a bogey.

But why is it important to understand bogey in golf? Well, for starters, a bogey can have a significant impact on a golfer’s overall score. In a stroke play game, where the goal is to complete the course with the lowest number of strokes, every stroke counts.

So if a golfer consistently scores bogeys on certain holes, it can add up and negatively affect their score.

Additionally, understanding bogey can help golfers set goals for themselves and track their progress. By aiming to consistently score below bogey on a given course, golfers can work on improving their game and lower their scores over time.

So there you have it, a quick overview of what a bogey is in golf and why it matters. Stay tuned for more tips and strategies on how to avoid bogeys and improve your golf game.

what is a bogey in golf

How a bogey is calculated

Now let’s dive a little deeper into how a bogey is calculated in golf.

As mentioned earlier, a bogey is one stroke over par on a given hole. But how do we determine what par is for a particular hole? Par is a standardized measure of the number of strokes that a skilled golfer should be able to complete a hole in.

It takes into account factors such as the length of the hole, the layout of the course, and the difficulty of the hazards.

So, if a hole has a par of 4, that means that a skilled golfer should be able to complete the hole in 4 strokes. If a golfer takes 5 strokes to complete the hole, they have scored a bogey.

It’s important to note that the par for a hole can vary. Some holes may have a par of 3, while others may be a par 4 or par 5. This means that the number of strokes it takes to score a bogey will also vary depending on the par of the hole.

Now that we’ve covered the basics of how a bogey is calculated, let’s move on to how it impacts a golfer’s overall score.

The impact of bogey on a golfer’s overall score

Scoring a bogey on a hole can have a big impact on a golfer’s overall score, especially in a stroke play game where the goal is to complete the course with the lowest number of strokes.

For example, let’s say a golfer is playing a course with a par of 72. If they score a bogey on every hole, their total score would be 72 + 18 (the number of holes on the course) = 90 strokes. This is significantly higher than the par of 72 and would likely result in a poor score for the golfer.

On the other hand, if a golfer is able to avoid bogeys on certain holes and score below par, they can significantly improve their overall score.

For example, if a golfer scores a birdie (one stroke below par) on half of the holes and a bogey on the other half, their total score would be 72 – 9 (half the number of holes on the course) + 9 (the other half of the holes) = 72 strokes.

This is equal to par and would likely result in a good score for the golfer.

As you can see, avoiding bogeys and scoring below par can make a big difference in a golfer’s overall score. In the next section, we’ll discuss some tips for avoiding bogeys and improving your game.

Related: What is an Eagle in Golf?

Related: What is a Birdie in Golf?

Related: What is a Par in Golf?

Tips for avoiding bogeys

Now that you know the answer to “what is a bogey in golf?”, let’s move on to some tips for avoiding bogeys and improving your golf game.

Course management strategies

One strategy that can help you avoid bogeys is course management. This involves making smart decisions on which club to use, where to place your shots, and how aggressively to play each hole.

Techniques for improving shot accuracy and distance control

Another technique that can help you avoid bogeys is improving your shot accuracy and distance control. This can be achieved through practice and proper technique.

For example, working on your grip and alignment can help you hit straighter shots, while practicing your swing tempo can help you hit your shots the desired distance.


In conclusion, knowing the answer to the question of what is a bogey in golf is crucial for any golfer looking to improve their game and lower their scores. By knowing how a bogey is calculated and the impact it can have on their overall score, golfers can set goals for themselves and work on avoiding bogeys through strategies like course management and improving shot accuracy and distance control.

So don’t be afraid to aim for those pars and birdies! With practice and dedication, you can work on improving your bogey game and taking your golf game to the next level. Keep working on your skills and never stop striving for improvement, and you’ll surely see your scores and overall game improve over time.

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