What is a Birdie in Golf?

What is a Birdie in Golf? Everything You Need to Know

Golf is a sport that requires patience, skill, and strategy. While the goal of the game is simple – get the ball in the hole in as few strokes as possible – there are many terms and concepts that can be confusing for beginners. One such term is “birdie.” In this article, we’ll explain what a birdie is in golf and provide some tips for achieving one.

So…What is a Birdie in Golf?

In golf, a birdie is a score of one stroke under par for a hole. Par is the number of strokes a skilled golfer should take to get the ball into the hole. For example, if a hole is a par 4, a golfer would be expected to take four strokes to get the ball in the hole. If the golfer takes three strokes, then they have scored a birdie.

Scoring a birdie is a significant achievement for any golfer as it shows that you have played the hole exceptionally well. Birdies are an excellent way to lower your overall score and increase your chances of winning the game.

what is a birdie

How is a Birdie Scored?

To score a birdie, a golfer must complete the hole in one stroke less than the designated par. For instance, if a hole is a par 5, a golfer would need to complete the hole in four strokes to score a birdie. To score a birdie, the golfer needs to sink the ball in the hole with one stroke less than par.

If a golfer takes two strokes less than par, they would score an eagle, and if they take three strokes less, they would score an albatross. However, scoring a birdie is a more realistic goal for most golfers and is an excellent accomplishment.

Tips for Achieving a Birdie

Scoring a birdie requires skill and strategy. Here are some tips to increase your chances of scoring a birdie:

  1. Know the Course – Understanding the layout of the course is critical in determining where to aim your shots. Study the map of the course beforehand and plan your shots accordingly.
  2. Improve Your Putting – Putting is one of the most crucial skills in golf, and improving your putting skills will significantly increase your chances of scoring a birdie. Practice your putting skills regularly and invest in high-quality putters.
  3. Focus on Accuracy – Instead of focusing on hitting the ball as far as possible, focus on accuracy. Hitting the ball accurately towards the green will give you a better chance of sinking the ball in fewer strokes.
  4. Master Your Short Game – The short game is where most birdies are scored. Practice your chipping and pitching skills to give yourself an edge over other golfers.
  5. Use the Right Clubs – Using the right club for each shot is crucial in scoring a birdie. Choose your clubs wisely and practice hitting each one accurately.
  6. Take Risks – Sometimes taking a calculated risk can pay off in the form of a birdie. If you are confident in your abilities, take a risk and try a challenging shot.
  7. Stay Focused – Golf requires mental focus, and losing your concentration can result in a missed opportunity to score a birdie. Stay focused on each shot and visualize your desired outcome.
  8. Practice, Practice, Practice – The more you practice, the better you become at the game. Set aside time to practice regularly and hone your skills.


In conclusion, a birdie is a score of one stroke under par and is a significant achievement for any golfer. To score a birdie, a golfer must complete the hole in one stroke less than par. Scoring a birdie requires skill, strategy, and mental focus, and there are many ways to increase your chances of scoring one, such as knowing the course, improving your putting, focusing on accuracy, mastering your short game, using the right clubs, taking risks, staying focused, and practicing regularly.

So, the next time you hit the greens, keep these tips in mind and aim for that perfect shot that will help you score a birdie and enhance your scorecard.


What is the difference between a birdie and an eagle in golf?

A birdie is a score of one stroke under par for a given hole, whereas an eagle is two strokes under par.

What is a good score for a beginner in golf?

A good score for a beginner in golf would depend on the course difficulty and the golfer’s skill level, but typically a score between 90 and 100 for 18 holes is considered good for a beginner.

How can I increase my chances of scoring a birdie in golf?

To increase your chances of scoring a birdie in golf, you can try knowing the course, improving your putting, focusing on accuracy, mastering your short game, using the right clubs, taking risks, staying focused, and practicing regularly.